Monday, May 23, 2011

30 Day Challenge Day: Five

First off this is counted as the 5 day since I dont count my weekends.. I never do.. weekends are the oppisite of anything I do.. no work.. no exercise, just relaxing. So no I didnt miss a day, I just skipped it :)

So I broke down and made a Green Monster today. I have seen it everywhere on the web and the idea never sounded good to me.. I mean I actually always liked my veggies including spinach a smoothie? I had a big bag of spinach left that I knew wouldnt be ate in I caved..
In my smoothie I used what I had which was

raw Spinach
1 rip banana
vanilla yogurt (now wish I didnt use it.)
Cow milk
and some frozen blue berries

Mixed it all together and it turned into a dark green, not as bright as the others which I was sorta hoping for just because it looked cool.

So after I made it, put a straw in and stared at it..

Put away the food and drinks

stared at it

then put cleaned and put away my blender

AND stared at the Green Monster some more.

I just couldnt get pass the idea of what was in it, but I took in some courage and took my first sip. Honestly.. wasnt bad.. Wasnt great but to me it was because it wasnt sweet enough.. and the yogurt was a little over powering.. So I cheated and added a little sugar into it. After that it was MUCH better. So I'm sure if you can put in some more naturally sweet fruits this drink could be really yummy and good for you.


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